Theaters broaden their schedules, the registers ring at the cabarett und small stage, new Musical-Theaters pop up around Europe and television broadcasts include more and more culture and sport programs. A result of our societies enthusiasm for cultural experience in varying forms is an increased demand for skilled professionals in this area, a demand which will only continue to grow.

In order to make visible to the public the immense amount of work put in by the people behind the curtain and show that real artists are often to be found there,  the Industrie- und Handelskammer Karlsruhe have offered an award for Germany’s best and most creative trainees in the area of media and events, the “Baden-Baden Award”, selecting superior final works from newly graduated scenic artists, master carpenters, makeup and hair artists, audio-visual media designers,  event-technology specialists, and event organizers.

The winners in each of the six categories  are chosen by a prominent and independent jury, and receive a sculpture of a foal made by Majolika Ceramics in Karlsruhe.  Additionally they have the possibility to present their award-winning work in conjunction with the Deutschen Theatertechnichen Gesellschaft (DTHG) at Showtech in Berlin.  The jury also awards the most impressive work  with a special prize, donated by the European Media and Event Academy: the winner enjoys a 1-week trip for 2 to New York, including tickets to a broadway show.


We are pleased to congratulate Angela Marbach for her nomination. Fingers crossed, on 02.12.2011 the decision will be made.

„Stars hinter der Manege“ – Baden-Baden Award Event und Medien 2011 am 02.12.2011

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