Halloween, the trend from America, keeps gaining hold of the German clubscape.  Felix, Adagio and the Kulturbrauerei were  a few of the venues where costumed revelers gathered on the eery October night.  More that 20 of our students were on hand, beautifying guests with ghoulish Halloween makeup for the night.

On 31.10.2011 another successful season at the Film Park Babelsberg came to a close, offering the public insight into the various branches of work making up the film industry; with more than 300 000 visitors it was a busy year. We would like to thank Mephisto graduate Ina Charanza for taking great care of our students and for the organization and excellent presentation of the “Traumwerker Maske”.
Further thanks is due to students Annika Michaelis, Nadine Wenrich, Miriam Tews, Julia Johnßon, Susann Kuster, Anne Linhard and Bastian Russ for offering work from their Intermediate Exam of 2010 as exhibition pieces for the season.

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