On 06.07.2011 Andrea Mayr (Maske Berlin) and New York Celebrity-Makeup Artist James Vincent visited us. James told the story of how he got started in the profession, emphasizing the importance of networking.  Based on this concept James founded the first professional makeup tradeshow in New York in 2005, and “The Makeup Show” was born, in the following years expanding to Chicago and L.A..

On 17.09.-18.09.2011 The Makeup Show will come to Berlin, the first time in Europe.  Those looking for pre-order tickets, can do that on the website of the organizers.  We thank Andrea for putting us in contact with James, and furthermore can only recommend the great supplies available for purchase at Maske Berlin where you’ll find a great selection of professional makeup products from all over the world.

Course 24 now enters the last round with the final exams from 07.07.2011 to 10.07.2011.  Three weeks ago the state-certified Makeup Artist exams took place in our rooms; since the recognition of the Makeup Artist profession by the state we are anow n official examination location for the  practical state exam.
We’ve got our fingers crossed that the diligence of the students of course 24 over the last three years bears fruit.  Special thanks to the following Makeup Artists for their participation in our exam: Margrit Guthmann, Tobias Barthel, Roland Krämer, Valeska Schitthelm und Antje Potthast.  In addition to the external examiners we would also like to thank our own practical teachers who also responsible for grading the final work: Hasso von Hugo, Bernd Heinemann, Ralf Wezel, Andrea Buchholz und Daniel Schlemme.

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