Those keeping up to date with our news will have noticed that our updates have been sparse of late.  Unfortunately, we haven’t had the time to to share all of the great things that have been been going on.
In the meantime: bebe Young Care Generation visited the school to find out everything about being a makeup artist; students Maria und Tamina took great care of the five roommates, giving them insight into the craft, and with the help of the Komischen Oper Berlin also facilitated a look behind the scenes at the running of an opera house.

Furthermore, an episode of WDR’s “W wie Wissen” was filmed at the school.  After two exciting days of shooting that ended with bloody special effects, the team departed with tons of great images.  We’re looking forward to the broadcast on 18.12.2011 on ARD.

*** Update 15.11.2011 *** bebe Generation TV – Die Higlights (ab 02:12 Minute)

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